Website Terms

© 2024

BC Coastal Projects Ltd. Unit 101, 360 Edworthy Way
New Westminster, BC
V3L 5T8
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While we strive for accuracy and endeavour to keep information on the BC Coastal Projects website current, we can make no guarantee of accuracy or completeness.

Some of our documents may contain links to the websites of other organizations. We do not control the information available at those sites and do not confirm the information provided or endorse the views, products, or services of those organizations.

BC Coastal Projects makes no representation regarding the suitability of the information contained in this website for any purpose and makes no warranty of any type respecting that information. BC Coastal Projects hereby disclaims all warranties including all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and warranties of non-infringement.

In no event shall BC Coastal Projects be liable for any damages of any type suffered by any user of this website resulting from any cause whatsoever whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise.

All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.

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Please fill out the form if you would like to schedule an appointment to talk about your construction project.

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